Farmdog |
Fresh Perspectives |
Read about all the things Farmdog do.
Nose Work 101
the basics of Nose Work with Danish/Swedish Farmdogs
August, 2011
by Sally H Frankel
Farmdog 101
Read about all the "How To" Articles.
Dog Show Preparation
September 2009
by Heleene R. Petersen
Takinng Pictures to Show your Dog
June 2009
by Helene R. Pedersen
Flying With Dogs in Cargo and in Carry-on
June 2009
by Helene R. Pedersen
Travel Testamonial
by Michele and Greta
Articles and links to places and things Danish/Swedish Farmdogs and their owners enjoy.
NAFA (North American Flyball Association) - www.flyball.org
U-Fli (United Flyball League International) - www.u-fli.com
Animal Poison Control:
17 Poisonous Plants Video
List of potentially dangerous plants and products:
How to Give CPR to your dog:
www.articlealley.comDisclaimer: This list of resources is provided as a convenience. Listing should not be considered as endorsement of products, business, or organizations appearing on this list.